Friday, November 16, 2012

Session 2: What Does A Tree Mean To You?


  1. This first piece of graffiti is suppose to ressemble the strengths and weaknesses in life and trees.

  2. I dont remember writing something for this board. But I like how it shows how much a tree can represent life and other things. Even though we see trees on a daily occurrence, we don't really see their great power and beauty. Why does it say that Gamemakers can make it fall.

    1. I agree with you when you say that people don't really see the great power and beauty of a tree. I also think that trees can represent almost anything.

    2. I agree with you on that one. people just look at a tree and dont really see anything important about it.If you look beyond the image in front of you then you can be able to understand its importance.

  3. I do not recall having the opportunity to write on this tree but a quote that I agree with is "Change". I agree with it because like a tree we as humans change a lot during our life. A question I have is that why did someone post "Game makers can make it fall"? I want to know this because I don't know how this relates to a tree.

    1. That is basically what I was trying to go with, by using the word change.

    2. Yea, I think a tree really represents change in so many different ways.

      I'm taking a guess on this but I think that is says "Gamemakers can't make it fall" because it shows that the tree is in control. Its so strong and powerful that a person with evil can't really do any damage to it or break its spirit.

    3. I agree with what you said on change and humans, I totally understand what you mean. People mature and change without even realizing.

    4. I agree with change because as you said everyone changes at some point in their life

  4. I didn't write on this graffiti wall but I would've wrote change because a tree grows and grows more leaves which I thought resembles a new person that has turned their life around.

  5. I wrote "change" to show that how people can change all the time like leaves on a tree.

    1. Cool story dude.Tell it again.Haha umm no but its very creative.You made people have a connection with the tree.

  6. On this graffiti drawing we all just took turns writing what we thought each part of the tree symbolized. I don't remember if I wrote on this tree but I really agree with the part that says "Blossom- Turning into a different person". I think that this is really true because everyone changes as they grow up. Whether someone changes physically or mentally, within a year people change and there isn't anything you can do about it to prevent the change of a person.

    1. I agree as a person changes they sprout into a new improved person because you've gone through thing the have taught you and given you knowledge so you could grow and Change into a new person.

    2. Yea I think that all the experiences we go through are life-changing but they make you who you are.

  7. I don't remeber writing on this board but what a tree means to me is change, strength, and growth. I pocked these because a tree is srtong especially the base. That's what helps the tree stand its the base. It's like life when you think that your going to fall ( meaning you think that you can't go anymore or you can't take it . You just want to be done). The base will always keep you up and it will never let you fall spiritually. Like a tree the base will never let the tree fall. I also picked change because like the leaves its always changing like a person they change and sprout into this new person. I also picked growth because a tree grows and grows until it stops growing because its reached its point where it can't anymore. That's like life you grow physically and spiritually. You grow and grow until you can't anymore because you've learned what you had to learn. You learned from the past and know habe enough knowledge to teach other people that are just starting to grow .
    My question is what can be a weakness of a tree meaning what is a weakness of a person spirit wise

    1. I really like your idea Raymond it is a very deep thought and I agree with it.

  8. I didn't get to write on this one but if I would have, I would have written "Life." I would have written this because a tree represents life, It takes years to get to grow, but in the end it's a strong and healthy tree.

    1. I agree nestor some things take a long time to grow but at the end its worth it and usually results in being strong and healthy.

  9. I didn't write on this one but i agree with all the things that are written there because they all represent what the tree means to them.

    1. What would you say the tree means to you personally?

  10. I didn't get a chance to write on this one but if I did I would have agreed with whoever wrote "change" because it symbolize's everything on the tree with just one word

  11. This week I didn't write anything because we had people writing for us. A tree can mean many things for different people. I think that it depends on what you have been through and what you have experienced. Trees can mean many things. To me, it means being strong and sturdy. Trees have roots and that to me, means that you have support. A question I have is, how can such a small thing in this whole world, have such big meanings and so many symbols?

    1. I like how you interpret the tree roots with strong and sturdy. I think such small things have big meanings and symbols because we can relate to that small thing with something that means a lot to us and we remember it as a symbol or meaning.

    2. I like how you made connections with the tree to yourself. About the roots, and being sturdy, it symbolizes yourself and also the tree. I also agree on the the part when you said that it depends on your experience. That definetly is the case for me.

  12. I didn't get the chance to write on this graffiti but if I did I would have put "Alive" because a tree always grow and expands to something bigger. You don't really realize trees and how they grow up to be such a big important aspect. Trees are a lot like humans. They start as little and not much but grows to something better. My question would be: What does the parenthood mean?

    1. I think parenthood means that trees give out acorns and they eventually grow into great trees like their tree moms/dads.

  13. I don't remember getting the chance to write on this graffiti board but to me, personally this tree symbolizes the idea of change and growth,and just the fact of moving forward and continuing with life. Even if everything changes over the seasons deep down you're still the same. Although the outside doesn't always show whats on the inside. For example the trunk seems strong, but how do you know its not withering in the inside, getting rotten and breaking slowly but surely. Overall this is what the tree symbolizes to me. My question is why did the wall end up having so few comments, it should be more filled, shouldn't it.

  14. I remember that this was the first time we did a graffiti board. I was writing the words along with Patrycja. I'm not sure which one I wrote but I think it was strength. If I did write that then I wrote it because I thought a tree trunk was strong in that it supports the rest of the tree.

    1. What else do you think strength represents? To you, personally.

    2. In my opinion I agree with you with the tree trunk meaning strength.

  15. A tree does many things for us such as give a shade, paper,oxygen and food. But we take them for granted and climb them break branches take off leaves and more. I think that its a good thing that now we're going to be building trees in our classroom so we can be more appreciative toward them.

  16. In this tree I really liked that we put a lot of positive statements but we didn't really put that many negative statements, we didn't really broaden our perspective I guess but I liked this post.

    1. We did put a lot of positive statements. But that's a good thing I could say.

  17. I did not write on this wall. But if I did, I would have wrote "growth" near the trunk going up to the branches. As a tree grows, it gets bigger and more beautiful. Leaves start to appear, color starts to come out, and it becomes a great part of nature. I tie this to the life of anyone. You grow and grow and become something greater than you were before. Hopefully you'll leave behind something that everyone will remember you for.

  18. I did not write on this wall, but I would have written on this wall, that the roots of tree meant growth and strength . As a tree grows so do the roots, and they extend, and therefore also make the tree stronger.

  19. This tree represents the vaules of life and of people. A tree can relate to alot of people and problems in life just like our tree has shown.I remeber I said seperation because the when the leaves fall of they seperate, just like people do.

    1. Thats true and i never thought of a tree to signify that?

  20. on this day of the graffiti I didn't write anything but I am pretty sure that I screamed out that the tree trunk stood for strength. I said this because the tree trunk holds the entire tree together.

  21. I Wrote "shelter" because I see the top of the tree as the like the home. the leaves are there so i guess that could simbolize the people and there all at the top of the tree (where they live) and every leave on the tree has a tree limb thats atached to a branch and thats attached to a twig.etc. there all connected to each other either way and i see the top of the tree simbolizing shelter.

    1. This is similar to my comment because my comment is also about home and shelter.

  22. I didn't write anything as only people who raised there hand wanting to write, wrote something on the promethean.

  23. I did not write anything on this wall, but if I did, I would have wrote "home". I would have wrote this because a tree is a home to many creatures. It gives the shelter and a place to live.

  24. I did not write nothing on this graffity wall. But it looks like our fellow classmates were focusing beyond the meaning of a tree and it seems like they are comparing it to our life as humans.

    1. I agree. Classmates are taking the meaning of the tree and going beyond it in an extraordinary way comparing it to human-life.

  25. I think I recall stating "Togetherness/Unity". This is reasonable to me because every component in the tree works all as one to keep the tree alive. Like the roots absorb water in a tree. The trunk helps it stand. Etc.
