W H A T I S A M E M E ?
If you have a Facebook account or have ever been on Facebook, then you have probably seen a meme.
Let's look at Wikipedia's definition of a meme here.
S O W H A T D O E S T H A T M E A N ?
provide commentary on events that are going on in contemporary culture,
politics, entertainment. And cats. Lots of cats. Like this guy:
are often meant to be funny by making a joke, pun or by pointing out
the irony of a situation. The tone of a meme itself can also be ironic.
They can also be serious and raise awareness of an issue/s that the creator thinks is/are important:
The National Resource Defense Council built this meme as a call to action to raise awareness about the budget cuts Congress will be voting on soon. They transmitted it on their facebook wall, then included a link to a petition supporting educational funding in their facebook status.
This is a screen shot from Kristina's facebook wall.
Whether you are making a funny meme or a serious meme, one thing is for sure:
courtesy knowyourmeme.com
Boromir is right.
Memes are created with the intention of being shared and spread through the internet and therefore should have the following:
- A specific message intended for a specific audience
- Text that supports the image(s) and vice versa
It makes sense that most memes utilize the font style called "impact" - in order to make a meme that people will want to share online, you have to create one that has both visual and textual (written) impact.
So keeping that all in mind, let's take a look at some examples of memes below and
determine are they a meh meme (not much impact) or a mad meme (lots of impact)?
Consider the following to make your determination:
1. What are you seeing in the meme?
- Consider colors, composition, scale, font style, etc.
2. What is the message?
- What does it mean?
- Who is the intended audience of this message?
- Does the message seem biased to you?
3. Is the meme "working"?
- Why or why not?
- Does it make you feel a certain way or create a certain response for you: happy, sad, hopeful, angry, laughing, disbelief, etc.
4. What would you have done differently if you were the designer?
- Would you use any of the elements of this meme in your own?
- Are you inspired to take any sort of action as a result of this piece?
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Now let's take a look at the meme Ms. Kristina designed as an example of the exercise you will be doing today and go through the same critique questions: